Reminder of the requirements to join the Novetus Discord Server.

Hi, I want to remind everyone on the requirements for joining the Novetus Discord server.

You MUST be 13+ years or older and you MUST have a Roblox account that is 13+. Inviting people under 13 years of age would be against Discord's TOS, and so I must enforce that as such.

If you are 13+ years old or older and you were banned from the server because of your verification link, please let me know on Discord @ Bitl#3305


Novetus (Unstable, Beta/Snapshot/Pre-Release) 718 MB
Version Snapshot v25.9180.31038.1 35 days ago
Novetus (Unstable, Beta/Snapshot/Pre-Release) 718 MB
Version 1.3 Snapshot v22.8105.20619.3 Apr 02, 2022

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fuck you, you r banned me 
